Sunday, 24 February 2008



I was lucky enough to have signed up to dreamcatcher's (Knitty in Pink) PIF and just look what arrived in the mail yesterday!

Here it is, wrapped beautifully, and just oozing promise and temptation...

And in it's naked glory!!

What can I say?? I just love it! Thank you so much for making it for me, dreamcatcher. The cowl is just perfect - I couldn't have chosen a better shade and it's pefect for keeping my neck cosy, especially when my joints flair up badly as I often get a sore neck then. Dreamcatcher used the "Pashmina Cowl" pattern from "Last Minute Knitted Gifts", using Stroud Wool in "Solent" shade. Having seen this pattern knitted up now, I KNOW I'll be making another one too as it's ideal for the windswept Welsh valleys where I work ... I've used Stroud wool before for a pair of socks for OH and can't tell you how soft it is. Dreamcatcher included the rest of the yarn to be used to knit a wee sock for the Keychain Sock Blocker set she's included. I love key rings and can't wait to cast this one on (but am FORCING myself to wait till I've completed DD1's boyfriend's birthday socks)

Dreamcatcher also included Fairtrade Burnt Sugar Chocolate Crumbly Fudge which will not last long in the Blether's Household and I've already fended off all attempts by the under-2o's to sneak them out! OH has a thing for fudge too - it's his favourite and he's been eyeing it up all afternoon.

Finally, dreamcatcher included a stunning handcrafted card by Carrie Anne Designs.

Thank you again, dreamcatcher! I'd spent all day yesterday in bed with a howling migraine ... you certainly made my weekend and I'm so chuffed with my pressie!

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Sunday, 17 February 2008

Hat's off to.....

Two posts in a couple of days? Well, at least my blogging inconsistency remains consistent;)

MissB is sulking that more of my blogging/knitting comrades want to adopt the dog, rather than her! Bless her, it should come as no real surprise ... look at Abbie, the mutt's cheeky wee expression, makes her so much more adoptable;) Anyway, here's slightly better pictures of the 2 hats (especially for dreamcatcher).
Sirdar Eco DK Lacy Beret
Sirdar Eco DK Lacy Pull-on hat
Knitted in one colour and minus knitted flower applique
Lacy pull-on hat crown
On the eureeka-moment knitting front, the end of the dirge that is the Blue Mile is nearing! I've just got the sleeves to sew in and then seam it up! Halleluiah!! It's a nice enough style but, OMG, what a drag to knit! However, pictures of my knitting nightmare should be posted by next weekend:) One wee disaster on the last leg... In need of legal stimulation (coffee!), I placed my knitting on the settee to pop off to put on the kettle. There it sat, resplendant on its Brittany Birch needles... Then the daft pup decided to take her favourite squeaking pig toy onto the sett ee for a good old maul and chew. Leaping like an Olympic athlete, she dived on to the sofa, landing straight on top of the Brittany needles, snapping one of them in two:( I'd to finish knitting it on lopsided, non-matching needles...
Angie ( made my day, and got me blushing ... she's given me an award!
Thank you, Angie - I'm really chuffed and love watching what you're up to on the crafty front. Am off now to decide who to nominate others who inspire me and make my day too...

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Friday, 15 February 2008

Adoption anyone??

Hmmmpphhh! All week, I've encouraged and cajoled (read nagged!) DD1 to take pics of her new hats knitted in Sirdar Eco wool. Do you think this young woman treats her mother's request in a manner appropriate to the knitting world?? Here's what she took:

Anyone want to adopt a sassy 19 year old??
