Strong roots and fresh blossom
It's been a very difficult few weeks. My mum was taken extremely poorly and is now, thankfully, slowly recovering in hospital. Her tenacity and spirit to live amazing not only the family, but the medical team treating her.
Sadly, mum has missed seeing the Laburnum tree in full blossom, but will hopefully be home before it's past its full glory. Dad built their home and we grew up in this house. The garden is my parents pride and joy - and a complete pleasure to behold. Mum's usual vantage point is on the patio at the top of the garden, where she sits and issues horticultural instruction to dad! I'm not sure if it's clear from this photograph, but there are even large pots of potatoes growing on the patio. Dad was muttering about them being the most expensive potatoes he's ever grown (large tub planters, potatoes seeds, cost of the potting compost etc) - but, be sure, he'll be delighted to sit down with mum later to enjoy their crop.
MissBlethersTheElder and I travelled home to visit mum in hospital. The weather was unusually glorious and we took these snapshots from the car park in the town. Beats the view from a multi-storey, doesn't it?
Unfortunately our trip home meant I missed meeting up with Angie on her recent visit to Cardiff. I'm really hoping to sort that on Knit In Public day, next Saturday!
MissBlethersTheYounger had me chuckling this afternoon. Her older sister was planning to go out tonight to a 'themed' leaving-do. She needed to borrow a fluorescent pink net tutu skirt (apparently ALL the best dressed wardrobes boast at least one net froo-froo!!). DD2 couldn't find hers (which is no surprise as she is one of those kids who call the floor their wardrobe!). Several phone calls to her friends later, we located one ... and set sail to collect it to save her big sister some time later on. We wound our way round Cardiff, with me looking more and more bemused.... "Are you sure you know the way, MissBlethersTheYounger?" My youngest off spring boldly announces, "Course I do! This is the No 57 bus route". Heaven help us when she hits the roads for driving lessons. Maybe she should get a SatNav for her 17th birthday present?
Sadly, mum has missed seeing the Laburnum tree in full blossom, but will hopefully be home before it's past its full glory. Dad built their home and we grew up in this house. The garden is my parents pride and joy - and a complete pleasure to behold. Mum's usual vantage point is on the patio at the top of the garden, where she sits and issues horticultural instruction to dad! I'm not sure if it's clear from this photograph, but there are even large pots of potatoes growing on the patio. Dad was muttering about them being the most expensive potatoes he's ever grown (large tub planters, potatoes seeds, cost of the potting compost etc) - but, be sure, he'll be delighted to sit down with mum later to enjoy their crop.
MissBlethersTheElder and I travelled home to visit mum in hospital. The weather was unusually glorious and we took these snapshots from the car park in the town. Beats the view from a multi-storey, doesn't it?
Unfortunately our trip home meant I missed meeting up with Angie on her recent visit to Cardiff. I'm really hoping to sort that on Knit In Public day, next Saturday!
MissBlethersTheYounger had me chuckling this afternoon. Her older sister was planning to go out tonight to a 'themed' leaving-do. She needed to borrow a fluorescent pink net tutu skirt (apparently ALL the best dressed wardrobes boast at least one net froo-froo!!). DD2 couldn't find hers (which is no surprise as she is one of those kids who call the floor their wardrobe!). Several phone calls to her friends later, we located one ... and set sail to collect it to save her big sister some time later on. We wound our way round Cardiff, with me looking more and more bemused.... "Are you sure you know the way, MissBlethersTheYounger?" My youngest off spring boldly announces, "Course I do! This is the No 57 bus route". Heaven help us when she hits the roads for driving lessons. Maybe she should get a SatNav for her 17th birthday present?
Hi Angie,
Glad to hear your Mum is on the mend. Your pics are making me feel home sick! Glad to see you got dry weather!
Thanks, Kelly. I reckon our visit coincided with the 2-day Dunoon summer there;o)
Have you been hearing about the sine flu outbreak too? Hope everyone recovers quickly. But, what timing for our trip back, eh?
Sorry to hear your Mum is poorly, hope she's back on that patio soon. Love the story of your daughter's directions :)
Glad to hear your Mum is improving. The photos of home are lovely.
Glad to hear your mum is improving.
The No. 57 bus route story is absolutely hilarious!
Angie, I am so pleased to hear that your mum is improving.
And as for your dd - I think she's inspired ( says someone who once walked round Cheltenham following the on-way system............. )
Glad to hear your Mum is improving! Thinking of you.
I'm glad to hear that your mum is doing better and hope that she will be home soon.
The bus story makes me smile - sounds like my younger brother!
Hope your mother is feeling better. The views from their home is stunning.
I am sorry to hear about your Mum but glad she is on the mend. Take care xx
So glad to hear your Mum is improving and hope she will be home soon x
Love the bus route story, fantastic!
Would be great to see you if you can make it xx
I'm glad my daughter is not the only one who needs a sat-nav. We bought Emily one for her car before she went to Uni to make sure she could find her way home!!!
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