Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Where did you go...


I can't believe how fast June flew past! There's been very little in the way of knitting outcomes. Here's my embarrassing contribution for the month!
MissBlethersTheElder renewed her mobile phone contract and, of course, got a new mobile. As soon as she had her phone, she placed her request for a new phone cover. It's the ipod cover, by Irene McKisson and can usually be rustled up in a few hours... I used the left over yarn from MissB's accidentally felted socks and replaced the rib with a knit-one-through-the-back, purl one rib. It seems to be a stretchier rib and holds the phone in the case well.

I'm still plodding my way through the Sirdar Leaf Yoke short-sleeved cotton sweater. The pattern is very easy going and presents no real challenge. Currently, I'm working on the leaf pattern and am attempting wrap stitches for the first time. So far, so good! Hopefully, it'll be finished and blocked by my next post - and, even better, the weather here will have cooled sufficiently to allow the wearing of a cotton jumper without resembling a melting blob! Having a 'Celtic' pallor (some would say, deathly white milk bottle complexion), I'm no sun worshipper;o)

It's a pretty busy family month for us - with mum, MrB and I all having our birthdays during the month.

June 13th is MrB, my beloved's birthday. And where would a devoted, loving partner spend time on their true love's special day? Absolutely right, I headed off to Pembroke Dock (about 100 miles away) to spend the KIP day with Angie. Angie has posted some pictures from the day. I had a lovely time meeting, amongst others, Angie, Felix, Andreweaver and taliesin. It was wonderful to meet everyone and to spend the afternoon knitting, in both glorious company and weather. I did make it up to MrB though, stopping off on the way back to buy him a steak and birthday cake.

Mum's birthday was on June 14th and, as she's still in hospital, the 'celebrations' were more muted than they would normally have been. She did enjoy the strawberry gateau my sister took in to the ward though...

When my birthday arrived later in the month, I was thoroughly spoiled too. Look what one of my lovely workmates made me! And it tasted every bit as good as it looks:o) The kids developed semi-deprived looks, asking me "Why can't you bake like that?"
It's not for the want of trying, but I know my limitations (blush). MrMarks&Spencer produces the cake in our house - and folk who've witnessed my baking deficiency will vouch the recipient has had a lucky escape!
MissBlethersTheYounger (otherwise known as Miss SatNav) has spread her wings too and is the cause of much parental angst and separation issues at present ... of which she remains blissfully unaware;o) She has embarked on her first ever holiday without 'parental control'. MissBTY is currently spending the week in a static caravan, with 3 friends, in Tenby (West Wales). She is obviously having a wonderful time - deduced from her distinct lack of phone contact! Tenby is in a beautiful, coastal area of Wales ... though I very much doubt they are enjoying the scenery and continue to live a nocturnal teenage existence, sleeping all day and coming out at sunset!

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Blogger Sarah said...

No wonder not that much knitting was done with all those birthdays!!

Thursday, July 02, 2009  
Blogger Alison said...

I'm working on my baking skills... mostly because I don't want to have to pay for cakes, hehe!

Happy summer knitting to you-

Friday, July 03, 2009  
Blogger Linda said...

Happy belated birthday, that cake looks so fab!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that there's not much knitting going on with all your birthdays!

My birthday group is september where I have my sister, husband and 3 of the kids...thankfully 3 of them are all in one day!

It was wonderful to meet you and hope we can do it again sometime x

Blessings for your mum x
and Happy Belated Birthday x

Wednesday, July 15, 2009  

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