Sunday, 21 January 2007

Disorientated in time - MsFebruary socks!

Pic 1: heel flap
Pic 2: One down, one to go!

Ahhh, there were those who said old MsBlethers, famed for her non-completion, flighty moving from unfinished WIP to the other, would not manage to keep going with the Sock-a-month challenge (Crafty Yarns N'Threads forum)... and that I would fall by the wayside (or at least enter the world of lone soldier socks, wasting away in isolation in the sock drawer). Ok, my biggest doubter was, in fact, me! For the past few months, I've been plagued with non-finishitis and have added considerably (and somewhat embarassingly) to the collection of poly carrier bags which house my WIPs! This situation has been compounded in part by changes in medication, with the overall aim of reducing my steroids. And, oh boy, am I feeling it ... I've got pain and inflammation at the moment in joints I didn't even know I had!! Despite this, (or maybe, because of this ... knitting seems to have a meditative effect on me and I am certainly less conscioulsy aware of discomfort when I have knitting needles in my dodgy hands), I have finished MrJanuary socks (see thread below) and am on the SECOND sock of my cuddly, cosy MsFebruary pair!! These are for DD1 and are so soft and snuggly, they feel like little Alpaca clouds. I've used Sue Morgan's Slouch sock pattern. I found the lacy rib a bit of a challenge till I got going; it then becomes a rhythmic pattern that's easily remembered. The instructions that followed the lacy part ie. to turn the sock, completely flummoxed me until FatCat (fellow forumee) came to the rescue! I remembered she had completed this pattern on another forum and I went off and searched for her tips. With her help, it all fell into place. Although the Alpaca yarn will be beautiful to wear, I am not convinced it best shows off the detail in the cuff or lacy heel flap. If I do these again (and I am sure I will ... DD1 loves the pattern) then I reckon I'll try an ordinary 4ply as a sub.

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Sunday, 14 January 2007

My 'baby' is 18!

My eldest DD is 18 today! Ooohhhh it making me feel all broody and reflective... It just seems like a blink of an eye since I carried her into the house for the first time, feeling that sense of overwhelming responsibility that comes with new parenthood for keeping this prescious new life alive and thriving. If I am honest, that responsibility (and gift) can still feel overwhelming. However, despite my trepidation and sometimes failure/mistakes, she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman on the cusp of a really exciting point of her life's journey. Despite having had a tough year or so in which she has been diagnosed as having Juvenile Arthritis, she is about to sit her driving test ... is studying for her A levels ... has applied for University to study a Business degree ... has entered the world of employment and financial responsibility ... had relationships ... No matter how all these ventures go; whatever her life throws at her and no matter how old she is, she'll always be my first-born 'baby'... Enough gushing maternal pride:) We're off to celebrate now!

Monday, 8 January 2007

Rising to the Sock-a-month challenge - Mr JANUARY

No-one can doubt my willingness to fully participate in the Crafty Yarns n' Threads Forum sock-a-long. OK, first cynic to say 'Well, it IS ONLY January 8th just now' is probably very close to the truth and a family member who known me too too well:). But, in this moment of unbridled enthusiasm, please let me introduce Mr January (knitted in Stroud 4ply merino yarn from Twin-earth, eBay seller)... knitted with ye olde faithful Opal free pattern.

Pic 1: SS2 (with scabby leg - bless him!) modelling his dad's socks
Pic 2: Close up which shows truer colour
Pic 3: the 'naked hank':)

And, yes, Ms February has been cast on...

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Monday, 1 January 2007

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy, healthy and creative New Year!

I had steadfastly planned to avoid making any resolutions but seemed to have been sucked into it indirectly:-) I plan to take part in the Sock a month challenge organised by the lovely members of the Crafty Thread 'n' Yarns forum ( and have already cast on a sock for DP, using Stroud 4 ply and the old faithful Opal pattern... I am so easily corrupted!
