Disorientated in time - MsFebruary socks!
Pic 2: One down, one to go!
Ahhh, there were those who said old MsBlethers, famed for her non-completion, flighty moving from unfinished WIP to the other, would not manage to keep going with the Sock-a-month challenge (Crafty Yarns N'Threads forum)... and that I would fall by the wayside (or at least enter the world of lone soldier socks, wasting away in isolation in the sock drawer). Ok, my biggest doubter was, in fact, me! For the past few months, I've been plagued with non-finishitis and have added considerably (and somewhat embarassingly) to the collection of poly carrier bags which house my WIPs! This situation has been compounded in part by changes in medication, with the overall aim of reducing my steroids. And, oh boy, am I feeling it ... I've got pain and inflammation at the moment in joints I didn't even know I had!! Despite this, (or maybe, because of this ... knitting seems to have a meditative effect on me and I am certainly less conscioulsy aware of discomfort when I have knitting needles in my dodgy hands), I have finished MrJanuary socks (see thread below) and am on the SECOND sock of my cuddly, cosy MsFebruary pair!! These are for DD1 and are so soft and snuggly, they feel like little Alpaca clouds. I've used Sue Morgan's Slouch sock pattern. I found the lacy rib a bit of a challenge till I got going; it then becomes a rhythmic pattern that's easily remembered. The instructions that followed the lacy part ie. to turn the sock, completely flummoxed me until FatCat (fellow forumee) came to the rescue! I remembered she had completed this pattern on another forum and I went off and searched for her tips. With her help, it all fell into place. Although the Alpaca yarn will be beautiful to wear, I am not convinced it best shows off the detail in the cuff or lacy heel flap. If I do these again (and I am sure I will ... DD1 loves the pattern) then I reckon I'll try an ordinary 4ply as a sub.