Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Empty sock drawers... and nest

MrB is a wonderful man, but not a subtle one! He's been bemoaning the sad state of his sock drawer and pointed out that it had been quite some time since any socks had been knitted with his size 8's in mind!

Regia Havanna Socks for OH
I used Cookie's Monkey pattern, minus the lovely lace work. However, the pattern also creates super easy plain socks. The picture below probably depicts the colour of the Regia yarn more closely... and MrB is happy that his drawer is a little less depleted!

Talking of empty drawers, there have been other experiences of a similar nature going on in the Blethers household over the past week or so - empty nest syndrome has struck! MsBTheElder moved out, having rented a lovely 2 bed roomed flat with her fiance. It feels really strange not having her here .... though in some ways, we've actually spent more time together than we would have normally. She was always rushing in, to rush straight back out when she lived here!

However, I awoke to a message yesterday morning in which MsB texted in an audibly sorrowful tone that she had been up all night being sick. She very readily agreed to a visit from mum to administer damp cloths. I didn't even have my coat off before she suggested we go back home to assist recovery in her old bed, with the dogs round her ... and access to TV!! She stayed overnight here and I drove her back to her new address at lunchtime and promptly returned to her new settee and attentive partner... It was lovely being 'mum' again, even for the one night (but don't tell her I said so!!).
My dad and I share a love of orchids and fuchsias - though he is much more talented and successful with his green fingers... Dad's birthday is tomorrow and he'll be 70 years young. I know we are mostly all biased about our father's ... but he is truly a remarkable man who provides round-the-clock nursing care to mum, despite his own health issues.
I've yet to share with him my recent discovery of how to succeed with rejuvenating orchids...

... completely ignore and neglect them, and they come back to produce beautiful flowers! This one had been abandoned on our bathroom window sill and look what it's produced (despite me!). There was a 2nd stem but it didn't develop as it got frosted against the glass when we had that really cold snap.

No doubt, it'll receive the same loving care as before once it's finished flowering!

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