Sunday, 4 March 2007

The flames are fanned...

Flickering Flames (pattern by Black Dog Knits, is already on the needles as March's sock-a-month. As already mentioned (ok, mega-moaned/ranted about), all my knitting projects as fairly restricted until my dissertation is submitted. For that reason, and so that I retain sock-sanity, I plan to try to learn new techniques whilst producing each month's entry. This month's mini learning experience has been picot edging, which tops these socks. A word to the wise, especially if you knit to a fairly tight tension, metal pointy dpn's are a must when attempting to join the fold! Take it from the daftie that attempted it on beautiful, but bluntish, bamboo's... trying to knit the stitch on the needle with its original cast on was similar to knitting with 2 rolling pins:( The pattern is lovely and comprises of a fairly straightforward repeat. And the flames are now flickering ...

This Friday, I went out with friends for a meal to a Mongolian restaurant in Taff's Well - a small village on the outskirts of Cardiff. Now, for the life of me, I can't quite work out what the connection with South Wales and Genghis Khan is???? Honestly, I don't think I slept through the history lesson at school which explained any such link??? If anyone knows, please share! Regardless, what a fantastic meal! (Thank you, Anchor pub and Mongolian restaurant)

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Blogger TutleyMutley said...

Mongolian restaurants? Did you get to drink yak's butter tea???
Genghis Khan/South Wales???
Does not compute. Overload. I'm going to shut down now.

Monday, March 05, 2007  
Blogger blog-blethers said...

lol stumped me too, TM! However, it was a beautiful meal so am now convincing myself that Genghis may have holidayed in Porth Cawl at some point???

Monday, March 05, 2007  
Blogger Ang said...

I bet he camped on the Gower many a time!
I bet it was great food though.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007  
Blogger blog-blethers said...

It is a beautiful area and I'm sure word of the Gower has spread:) DD1 went her first holiday ever without 'parental control and guidance' to a friend's caravan on the Gower ... and came back complaining that her friend was more 'controlling' than me!! So much for my fears of what they potentially were up to:)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007  
Blogger Artis-Anne said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Looks like you are the sock expert judging by how many you are making ;-) Love the look of the flame socks .
Sounds like a great meal out you had, don't think I have ever heard of a Mongolian restaurant either. Guess we have it all in Wales LOL

Wednesday, March 07, 2007  
Blogger Sarah said...

The picot edging looks really sweet. I hadn't seen that pattern befor - it looks really nice.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007  
Blogger Badger said...

They're looking good so far, and they're a fabulous colour!

Thursday, March 08, 2007  
Blogger blog-blethers said...

Thank you all for your lovely coments! I'd definately tackle any project which involves picot edging now ... though need to practice to make sure I properly match up the stitches ... am sure there are a few here not with their original partner! The colour's great, a really strong shade though it's not that photogenic! Better get a move on with them as DD1's nagging ...

Friday, March 09, 2007  
Blogger belaybunny said...

The flame socks are looking lovely so far.

I don't get the wales/genghis khan link either!!

Friday, March 09, 2007  

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