Tuesday, 22 August 2006

Stalking the postman...

My campaign of furious finishing off continues! Nearly have the left front of Wendy Fusion bolero completed and will do so before bedtime tonight if it kills me (who said this knitting lark was about being relaxed and creative??!!??). Despite all my protestations that I would start nothing else in the meantime, I have succumbed again! My willpower has gone on holiday leaving me at home, giving in to temptation... Here's my latest lovely, lovely purchase. The yarn is from the Knitting-Goddess, eBay seller - what a lovely seller she is. She let me swap my order to LavenderFields after I got trigger happy in the ordering department and had mistakenly ordered Meadow (also gorgeous) instead. Can't wait for the postman to arrive in the morning!


Blogger dianemulholland said...

Those colours are gorgeous! What's it going to be?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Hawkesley said...

Oooh, that yarn is a yummy colour!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006  
Blogger blog-blethers said...

Hanging my head in shame, dianem ... think it may become a pair of Jaywalkers! But it will be socks of some shape or form! I am addicted, amn't I?? It was so hard to chose which yarn as Knitting_Goddess had so many scrumptious ones to choose from. I can sense a depriving-mum phase coming on ... I want to keep these one's for me (my 2nd pair)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Badger said...

Pretty pretty pretty!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006  

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